Calling all podcasters!Podcasts Against Apartheid is a cultural Apartheid Free Zone (AFZ) campaign in accordance with the principles set out by the Palestinian BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) Movement.BDS is a Palestinian-led movement inspired by and based on the global struggle against apartheid South Africa. AFZs are organizations that commit to refraining from any kind of support or assistance to the Israeli apartheid regime.Podcasts Against Apartheid calls on people of conscience in the podcasting community to commit to ensuring their podcasts are AFZs, and to bring awareness to and support the people of Gaza in their struggle against state-sponsored, Western-funded genocide.Is your podcast an AFZ?
Let us know and we'll add you to our list of #PodcastsAgainstApartheid.

Podcasts against apartheid

The following podcasts are AFZs. Please show your support!
Want to be added to the list? Let us know.
Conversation/Interview Podcasts:
Character Build
Coffee Shop Chats
The Palestine Pod
Fiction Podcasts:
Hi Nay
Moonbase Theta, Out
Re: Dracula
Soul Operator
Signed, Venus
Sixth Door To The Left
The Ichorous Rot
The Night Post
The Vesta Clinic
Working Tidal

How to become an AFZ Podcast:
• Support the BDS Movement through boycotting products or services from Israel or companies that are complicit in Israeli human rights violations in occupied Palestine.
• Let us know you would like to be added to the list.
Use the contact form, email us, or message us on social media.
• Make or share a statement showing that you are now an AFZ Podcast. We announce new additions on our social media platforms- you can share the announcement.

How to become an AFZ Podcast:
• Support the BDS Movement through boycotting products or services from Israel or companies that are complicit in Israeli human rights violations in occupied Palestine.
• Let us know you would like to be added to the list.
Use the contact form, email us, or message us on social media.
• Make or share a statement showing that you are now an AFZ Podcast. We announce new additions on our social media platforms- you can share the announcement.

BDS Movement
Apartheid Free Zones
AFZ Toolkit
Gaza Funds
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
!! eSims for Gaza !!
Medical Aid for Palestinians
World Food Program
Care for Gaza
Find a Protest Near You
United States:
Sign the petition
Email Congress
Call your Representatives
Contact your MPs (Canada)
Contact your MPs (UK)
Decolonize Palestine
Ceasefire Today
Jewish Voice For Peace
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
Free eBooks via Haymarket Books
Liberation Reads via Pluto Books
The Hundred Years' War On Palestine
Freedom Is A Constant Struggle
On Palestine
Except for Palestine
5 Broken Cameras (Tubi)
Fahra (Netflix)
Born In Gaza (Netflix)
Jenin, Jenin (Internet Archive)
Occupation of the American Mind (YouTube)
PAA Resources:
Feel free to use the following images on your website/social media/etc.

frequently asked questions

How does my show become an AFZ?• Support the BDS Movement through boycotting products or services from Israel or companies that are complicit in Israeli human rights violations in occupied Palestine.• Let us know you would like to be added to the list.
Use the contact form, email us, or message us on social media.
• Make or share a statement showing that you are now an AFZ Podcast. We announce new additions on our social media platforms- you can share the announcement.Does my entire team need to follow BDS?
• We encourage podcast producers to discuss the terms of the BDS Boycott with all team members. Use your best judgement on if you can commit to the cause.
What if I already have boycotted products?
• It happens. For example, if you already use an HP laptop to work on your podcast, this does not exclude you from becoming an AFZ. Simply make the commitment not to support them going forward. This goes for all targets on the boycott list. It's never too late to become an AFZ podcast!
